

About the Episode

A conversation with Ashley-Anne Masters. We spoke about Food, Funerals and Mourning in the Deep South of America which is well known for its traditions and rituals around food and funerals. We discussed food and humour and how both can bring us together and help us in moments of grief and pain.

Ashley Anne is a wonderfully warm, incredibly kind human being and I cannot thank her enough for taking the time to share thoughts, experiences and memories with me.

You can find more about Ashley-Anne on Instagram or on her blog.

About the Podcast

Exploring and improving our relationship with death through respectful enquiry. Here you’ll find conversations with those who work with the dead and grieving, in addition to episodes examining death through a lens of history & the arts, folklore and food. 

We’ll take you from ancient funerary rituals to forensic anthropologists via green burials, disaster recovery and Persephone’s pomegranates. We hope the journey & stories will provide you with some of the knowledge and empathy you need to navigate this vast hidden world as well as shine a light on the kindness and tenderness displayed by those professionals who truly take care of our dead. 


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