

About the Episode

A wonderful warm conversation with Celebrant Ruth Graham who describes her role as: “an independent celebrant is free to conduct all kinds of services. From humanist (no religion whatsoever), through to a service with maybe a prayer or a hymn (or several), through to more spiritually-orientated content.”

Ruth is also the author of two books A Thousand Goodbyes: The Surprising Life Of A Funeral Celebrant’ and Coffins & Confetti: (A Celebrant's Memoir Of Life, Loss & Love)

Ruth shares some wonderful memories and the valuable role a good celebrant can play in creating a wonderfully recognisablely rounded picture of the person being memorialised, often with little material to work from.

You can find Ruth at her website:

About the Podcast 

Exploring and improving our relationship with death through respectful enquiry. Here you’ll find conversations with those who work with the dead and grieving, in addition to episodes examining death through a lens of history & the arts, folklore and food. 

We’ll take you from ancient funerary rituals to forensic anthropologists via green burials, disaster recovery and Persephone’s pomegranates. We hope the journey & stories will provide you with some of the knowledge and empathy you need to navigate this vast hidden world as well as shine a light on the kindness and tenderness displayed by those professionals who truly take care of our dead. 


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